Youtube で今日見つけた、47分を超えるクリップ。さまざまな編成のコーラスによる全24曲です。
Youtube で今日見つけた、47分を超えるクリップ。さまざまな編成のコーラスによる全24曲です。
来年のクリスマスには曲目の詳細情報と共にを掲載できるといいのですが…… 無理かもしれません。
来年のクリスマスには曲目の詳細情報と共にを掲載できるといいのですが…… 無理かもしれません。
Frohe Weihnachtszeit!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
00:00 Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden - O Tannenbaum
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Oh Fir Tree (Oh, Chiristmas Tree)
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Oh Fir Tree (Oh, Chiristmas Tree)
01:42 Rundfunk-Kinderchor Berlin - O du fröhliche
Rundfunk-Children's Choir Berlin - O you happy
Rundfunk-Children's Choir Berlin - O you happy
03:57 Männerchor "Carl Maria von Weber" - Leise rieselt der Schnee
"Carl Maria von Weber" male choir - The snow is falling softly
"Carl Maria von Weber" male choir - The snow is falling softly
06:03 Rundfunk-Jugendchor Wernigerode - Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her
Rundfunk-youth choir Wernigerode - From heaven, that's where I come from
Rundfunk-youth choir Wernigerode - From heaven, that's where I come from
07:39 Rundfunk-Jugendchor Wernigerode - Tochter Zion, freue dich
Rundfunk-youth choir Wernigerode - daughter Zion, rejoice
Rundfunk-youth choir Wernigerode - daughter Zion, rejoice
10:00 Rundfunk-Kinderchor Berlin - Süßer die Glocken nie klingen
Rundfunk-Children's Choir Berlin - The bells never sound sweeter
Rundfunk-Children's Choir Berlin - The bells never sound sweeter
12:44 Rundfunk-Kinderchor Berlin - Ihr Kinderlein kommet
Rundfunk-Children's ChoirBerlin - Your children are coming
Rundfunk-Children's ChoirBerlin - Your children are coming
15:06 Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden - Fröhliche Weihnacht überall (Acappella Version)
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Merry Christmas everywhere (Acappella Version)
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Merry Christmas everywhere (Acappella Version)
17:03 Rundfunk-Jugendchor Wernigerode - Kommet, ihr Hirten
Radio youth choir Wernigerode - Come, you shepherds
Radio youth choir Wernigerode - Come, you shepherds
18:29 Männerchor "Carl Maria von Weber" - Es ist ein Ros entsprungen
Male choir "Carl Maria von Weber" - A rose has sprung up
Male choir "Carl Maria von Weber" - A rose has sprung up
21:42 Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden - Alle Jahre wieder
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Every year again
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Every year again
23:06 Spatzenchor-Singakademie Potsdam - Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling
Spatzenchor-Singakademie Potsdam - Kling, Glöckchen, ringing-feeling
Spatzenchor-Singakademie Potsdam - Kling, Glöckchen, ringing-feeling
24:51 Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden - Morgen, Kinder, wird's was geben
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Tomorrow, children, there will be something
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Tomorrow, children, there will be something
26:48 Mädchenchor Wernigerode - Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen
Girls Choir Wernigerode - The lights are on at the Christmas tree
Girls Choir Wernigerode - The lights are on at the Christmas tree
29:13 Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden - Der Christbaum ist der schönste Baum (Acappella Version)
Dresden Philharmonic Children's Choir - The Christmas tree is the most beautiful tree (acappella version)
Dresden Philharmonic Children's Choir - The Christmas tree is the most beautiful tree (acappella version)
30:55 Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden - Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Santa is coming tomorrow
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Santa is coming tomorrow
32:17 Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden - Schneeflöckchen, Weißröckchen
Dresden Philharmonic Children's Choir - Snowflake, White Skirt
Dresden Philharmonic Children's Choir - Snowflake, White Skirt
33:17 Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden - Ich lag und schlief
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - I lay and slept
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - I lay and slept
35:05 Doreen Schneider - Heidschi Bumbeidschi
Doreen Schneider - Heidschi Bumbeidschi
Doreen Schneider - Heidschi Bumbeidschi
37:49 Zschorlauer Nachtigallen - Gloria, Gloria Gott in der Höh
Zschorlauer Nachtigallen - Gloria, Gloria Gott in the heights
Zschorlauer Nachtigallen - Gloria, Gloria Gott in the heights
39:43 Rundfunk-Jugendchor Wernigerode - Susani, susani (Vom Himmel hoch, o Englein kommt)
Rundfunk-youth choir Wernigerode - Susani, susani (From heaven high, O Englein comes)
Rundfunk-youth choir Wernigerode - Susani, susani (From heaven high, O Englein comes)
41:32 Philharmonischer Kinderchor Dresden - Sind die Lichter angezündet
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Are the lights lit?
Philharmonic Children's Choir Dresden - Are the lights lit?
43:30 Männerchor "Carl Maria von Weber" - Tausend Sterne sind ein Dom
Male choir "Carl Maria von Weber" - a thousand stars are a cathedral
Male choir "Carl Maria von Weber" - a thousand stars are a cathedral
45:04 Rundfunk-Jugendchor Wernigerode - Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
Rundfunk-youth choir Wernigerode - Silent Night, Holy Night
Rundfunk-youth choir Wernigerode - Silent Night, Holy Night
Bravo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Stille Nacht!"
"Merry Christmas!"
"Stille Nacht!"
"Merry Christmas!"
改訂:2020:01:16 ビデオリンク修正
2020:07:06 末梢レイアウト変更
2020:07:06 末梢レイアウト変更
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